kar·ma [kahr-muh]: |

On my way from the metro today, I have my eyes wide open, grill guarded, and I'm knuckled up ready for any further mischief them little muthafukkas have in store for me... What little muthafukkas u ask... them damn GREMLINS that have been fuckin with me all morning.....
Started when I was awaken by my alarm at 7am. One of them mfs must've fukked with the snooze... cuz I pushed it once, and I ended up waking myself up at 9:15... mind u, I'm supposed to be at work at 9. So out of my bed I jump... run to the bathroom, turn on the hot water so it can warm up... grab my jug of water to soothe my crackin throat... Bitches!! they done drank all my water... And I'll be damned if I drink out the tap, ohhhhhhhh... I know... I had a big cup of lemonade on the table.. I'll drink that. Mfs done knocked that shit on floor... now my whole living room floor sticky.
Fuk it i'm too late for this... Make sure Bananas has his food and water... find something to wear, and go and hop in the shower... guess what... now they done messed up the hot water heater ... cuz the shit ain't even luke warm. Too late, gotta endure the freezing shower... felt like I was about to go swimming at the neighborhood pool!!
So I get to the bus stop... bus usually takes 3-5 minutes to arrive... today... 35 minutes... so its after 10 already. Bus packed as hell... I'm standing with some burly dude's armpit on my neck .. saying to myself over and over again... time to get a car.
Its not rush hour anymore so I know im in for a long ass wait at the metro... I get there and while I'm walking to the escalator, two old fat white men form a wall that I can't get around and they just strolling... finally I slide past brushing one of them on purpose and saying under my breathe... 'fuk out da way'. Get to the escalator... mf standing on the LEFT side... bastid!!... "scuse me man!" ... This nigga look like he got an attitude... bitch learn some metro-quette. Thats when I hear "bing bing doors opening" ... Shit!! its already here... so I start running and skipping steps... and just when I had forgotten about them... there they go again. Mid jump... one of them little muthafukkas grabs my foot. "Noooooooooooooooooo...." I fall in slow motion... bust my ass right at the top of the escalator so not only the people behind me and the people coming down ... but the people already at the top and even some on the train, thats now pulling away slowly, saw me fall. ... next train 15 minutes.
Which brings us to where we started... I'll be damn if I let my guard down again. Performing today at the top of the stairs... nobody... must've missed them.
OHHHHHHHHHHH SHIT!! The picket line is gone!! Well merry fukin Christmas... Guess good karma finally found its way to them... or perhaps them mfs were too lazy to keep it up any longer.... Me... my karma's not so good today.... but hey... I can persevere. Little fukin gremlins... Fucked up my floor... made me bust my ass in front of everybody... made me late for work... fucked up my hot water ... just fukin up shit left and right.....
then SHE walks by, and even them little mf gremlins calm their asses down and just gaaaaaaaaaaaaze... mouths wide open..... damn... what a beautiful morning. :D