Ummmm ok… well this morning on the train there was a lady who had made up her mind that she wasn't going to hold on to anything. Guess she was practicing her balance or what not… I'm staring at her the whole time… using all my will power to make her fall… but I must admit I was very impressed cuz she kept it going, never once grabbing onto anything or anyone.
So we get to Union Station…. This broad pulls out her palm pilot and starts doing work… So im like… oh she just trying to show off now… And it wasn't like she had it down pat by any means… u know how some white boys will do it but they are used to skate boarding and surfing so they're just like 'whateva dude far out'… feet don't eva move… this lady was stumbling all over the place… getting tossed to and fro… jerked ... almost bust her ass numerous times… but she kept at it....
By the time we get to Judiciary Square im laughing out loud .... cuz this lady (blonde, about 5'5", slight frame, around 35) was soooo determined to make it to her destination without grabbing on to anything.... it had become obsessive. Now the whole car was staring... ooh-ing and ahh-ing with each stumble... and she looked so helpless being thrown all about …
Then at Gallery Place it gets crowded… so now her margin for error has decreased ..... but her determination is as strong as ever… she keeps on... then at Metro Center it gets even more crowded… and due to the incoming crowd she somehow gets positioned right in front of me... … like face to face… with just inches to spare... I'm leaning against the panel thing, and she's in front of the door... Im thinking surely she is not going to try anymore... But I see her feet spread again and her palm pilot raises.... sure enough the train pulls off and she continues on with her balancing act....
Now the tracks between Metro Center and Farrugaut North are treacherous... its curves and jerks and leans and more … she gets about half way thru when we hit a big bump and sho nuff she falls all up on me…
I just laughed and said to her "damn now u gotta go all the way back to Brookland and start over"
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